Fruitful Entrepreneurship

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

44 episodes of Fruitful Entrepreneurship since the first episode, which aired on February 19th, 2021.

  • 11: Common Struggles of a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur

    May 4th, 2021  |  32 mins 30 secs
    business, business struggles, multi passionate entrepreneur, multi-passionate entrepreneur

    If you're a multi-passionate entrepreneur, chances are you've felt like a hot mess at one point or another in your business. There are certain things that multi-passionate entrepreneurs, business owners, or creatives just struggle with more often.
    In this episode, Lindsay and Ashlynn dive in deep about three everyday struggles multi-passionates encounter in this business landscape. If you've been discouraged with the advice that tells everyone they need to fit into a specific box and niche, then you're in the right place. 
    Lindsay and Ashlynn don't leave you hanging either; they also go over specific solutions to help you overcome those common struggles. 

  • 10: Offering Free Webinars, Is it Worth it?

    April 27th, 2021  |  27 mins 53 secs
    business, digital business, digital entrepreneur, entrepreneur, online business, online marketing, webinars

    Are you committed to trying new things in your business? We are too! That’s why in this episode, Ashlynn interviews Lindsay all about her recent experience with other free webinars as a marketing strategy to sell her digital course.
    Lindsay provides insights and even lists a couple of things that she will do differently next time.
    If you’re thinking about using webinars in your business, then this episode will be great for you!


  • Episode 8: Quit Playing Small in Your Business & Life

    April 20th, 2021  |  30 mins 5 secs
    business owner, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship

    This episode is speaking to the heart of the female entrepreneur who has an overwhelming desire to succeed but isn’t treating herself like a serious business owner. Ashlynn and Lindsay provide practical strategies for putting the right systems in place to kick imposter syndrome to the curb, and also walk you through the essential mindset shifts that will uplevel your business from “hobby project” and “just a little side gig” to thriving success.
    They discuss setting specific and measurable goals, scheduling your business hours into your calendar, separating personal and business finances, putting contracts in place, investing in yourself and your business, knowing when to turn business away and more! Plus a few embarrassing stories from their past and things they wish they’d done differently.

  • Episode 9: Five Healthy Habits to Avoid Burnout

    April 13th, 2021  |  34 mins 59 secs
    business, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, female owned business

    As business owners chasing our dreams we often possess an amazing combination of dedication, work ethic, passion and excitement. While those are all qualities that lead to success, they can also lead to burnout as we fall into the trap of working off of heart & hustle at the expense of our health. Ashlynn and Lindsay take us through five healthy habits that will not only improve your immediate productivity, but will help you create sustainability and give your business the longevity you desire. They share best practices for restorative sleep, mental self-care, balancing blood sugar for improved focus and energy, exercise, and some surprising insight into how caffeine may be doing more harm than good.

  • 7: How to Use Weekly Success Planning to Maintain Balance and Increase Productivity: with Jenny Stemmerman

    April 6th, 2021  |  26 mins
    entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, productivity

    Ashlynn and Lindsay welcome their first guest on the podcast! Jenny Stemmerman is the Founder of Your Life Rocks, a resource-based company for working Christian moms looking to create more balance in their lives. They talk about how to increase productivity throughout the week by defining your purpose, adjusting your mindset, and building the right types of routines. Jenny teaches us where to start with Weekly Success Planning, how to make it a habit that sticks, and provides practical strategies for multi-tasking and delegating. Make sure to download her free Weekly Success Planning Course!

  • 6: Create Better Copywriting in Your Business Today

    March 31st, 2021  |  38 mins 59 secs
    business, copywriting, copywriting for business owners, entrepreneur

    No matter if you love it or hate it, copywriting is an essential piece to any business. Copy is EVERY SINGLE THING you write for your business. It’s your website, social media posts, blogs, emails, sales pages, lead magnets, ads, heck, even your text messages to clients can be considered copy! This episode is loaded with helpful tips to implement and pitfalls to avoid when it comes to writing copy. Since it’s such a juicy episode and we understand taking notes isn’t always an option, Ashlynn provided one of her digital course PDF downloads for free to anyone who listens to this episode and wants a little more help. Get your free copywriting guide here:

  • 5: Six “Must Do’s” for all Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

    March 24th, 2021  |  48 mins 26 secs
    business, business strategy, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship

    Grab a pen and paper for this episode because it’s packed with actionable tips and steps you need to cross off in order to grow your business! Ashlynn and Lindsay dive deep into social media do’s and don’ts, including how to work with the Instagram algorithm. They coach you on why having an email list is a non-negotiable and how to get started growing yours quickly. Is lack of clear messaging holding you back from connecting with your ideal clients? Listen closely to hone in on who exactly you are speaking to with your copy. Lindsay talks about her experience working with a branding coach and some simple ways you can up-level your brand without making a huge investment and Ashlynn speaks on the importance of community and where to find one or create it yourself. You’ll also learn how to utilize collaboration and supporting others to not only grow your business but attract support back your way.

  • 4: Fear in Business: Doing it Scared

    March 17th, 2021  |  27 mins 4 secs
    business, business encouragement, business fears, entrepreneur, fear mindset

    Fear is something that holds many women entrepreneurs from reaching their goals. Yet, all too often, we don’t clearly identify that fear is, in fact, to blame for our inaction. Fear can be a tricky little sucker and disguise itself in all sorts of ways. It’s not always obvious and up in your face. Or sometimes our fear deceives us into believing if we’re afraid that maybe we’re just not ready yet. “If you allow fear to hold you back, you’ll miss out on what could’ve been some of your greatest accomplishments.” - Ashlynn Cubbison. There are at least a dozen ways fear can disguise itself, but here are a few common examples: perfectionism, procrastination, anxiety, doubt, excuses, stress, anger, people-pleasing. Ashlynn and Lindsay don’t leave you hanging without sharing some practical exercises you can utilize to identify how fear pops up in your business! Focus brain-dumping Talk to your close supporters Video record yourself talking about your fears Journal Prayer Say it out loud! The thing is, friend, you’ll never feel like you have it all figured out, and if you wait for your fearful feelings to be gone, you’ll never take the necessary steps to reach your goals. It’s okay to feel afraid, it’s normal, but we encourage you to do it scared!

  • 3: Our Top 3 Lifestyle Hacks for Ultimate Organization

    March 10th, 2021  |  33 mins 2 secs
    entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurs, productivity, women in business

    "As entrepreneurs, your plate is full! Time is our most precious commodity and maximizing time at home is key as well as staying organized and efficient. After all, time spent being disorganized is wasted time. Ashlynn and Lindsay want you to work smarter, not harder. This podcast episode highlights their top 3 lifestyle hacks for ultimate organization. They cover: - Weekly planning sessions w/ a family calendar and how this can work with an electronic or paper system, how and when to use this calendar, and creating margin to set realistic expectations. - Creating the perfect morning routine for you, what to do during this time, and what NOT to do at the start of your day. - How meal planning is the ULTIMATE time and energy saver with Lindsay’s best tips and tricks for creating a meal planning system that works for you. Grab Lindsay’s free 7-day meal plan + shopping list here: Check out Lindsay’s meal planning course here:"

  • 2: Time Blocking For Entrepreneurs

    March 3rd, 2021  |  24 mins 54 secs
    business strategy, productivity, time blocking, time management

    "Everyone who is an entrepreneur, business owner, or mom knows that time is our most precious commodity. And yet, many struggle with finding and sticking to an effective strategy to manage their time. Today’s episode is all about the basics of time blocking! So what the heck is time blocking? Isn’t it just scheduling your to-do list? Well, sort of, but time blocking is more of a dedicated mindset. It’s for entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to regain control of their time, commit themselves to focused activity, cut out the distractions, and build an essential and healthy habit. Simply put, time blocking is scheduling chunks of time dedicated to specific tasks during those time slots. This is single handily the most incredible way to cultivate focus in your day and business! When time blocking correctly, you’re not only completing your to-do list, but you’re, in fact, moving closer to your goals, cultivating healthy boundaries, and ultimately opening up more free time in your personal life! Who doesn’t want that? You might feel resistant to this kind of structure, but we challenge you to shift your mindset. We all, in some capacity, budget our finance, right? Even though we can always earn money, we understand the wisdom behind intimately knowing our finances. Well, guess what? You can never earn more time! We are all dealt the same amount each day. 24 hours. That’s it. No exceptions! So let’s make the best of our time! Ashlynn will walk you through her specific process to get you started, so you can succeed in your time blocking habit! To get more help, download her free time blocking cheat sheet:" Save big with our partners at Ebay!

  • 1: Five Steps to Finding Your Focus as an Entrepreneur

    February 24th, 2021  |  31 mins 46 secs
    business, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, female owned business

    If you've been an entrepreneur for longer than a minute, you know sometimes it's easy to lose focus and get disorganized. When you're in a state of disarray, it's nice to have a friend who can pull you through with simple steps to center yourself. So in today's episode, Ashlynn and Lindsay want to be that friend! They dive deep into 5 steps to find your focus as an entrepreneur. By the end, you'll have actionable strategies you can implement anytime you feel the need to refocus.

  • Episode 0: Purpose Powered Entrepreneurs Trailer

    February 19th, 2021  |  1 min 15 secs

    Are you sick of feeling overworked and overwhelmed in this demanding and ever-changing business environment? Step into your purpose powerfully with our support. Master critical time management skills, develop effective systems and strategies while creating a balanced and healthy life. Ashlynn and Lindsay are driven entrepreneurs on a mission to support other women dreamers to unlock their God-given potential.